“It’s easy for the enraptured spectator to forget what degree of perfection lies beneath the slapstick act of the unicycle acrobat and his clumsy assistant.”
Varieté Seidenfaden, Rhein Post
“…and there was thundering applause for the Duo Scacciapensieri, who will drive your worries away. That’s what the Swiss artists call themselves, and they have the laugh on their side from the very start. Cornelia Clivio really knows how to make her partner Lorenz Matter’s life difficult with breakneck stunts…”
Varieté GOP, Hann. Allg. Zeitung
“The Duo Scacciapensieri (Italian for “those who drive away your worries”) did its name absolute justice… the artists managed to combine extreme body control with screamingly funny comic elements. The Swiss artists carried the audience away with an unparalleled performance.”
Varieté Pegasus, Bensheimer Anzeiger
“And then followed the highlight of the program. The Duo Scacciapensieri from Zurich, well known in Switzerland as well as abroad, performed a very special unicycle act, a mixture of fine comedy and great artistic ability… they had the audience screaming with delight…”
Cirque de lune, Manege
“The audience is beside itself with delight when the fantastic Duo Scacciapensieri goes into action with a unicycle act that’s as brilliant as it is funny…”
Cirque de lune, Der Landbote
“Thanks to its great artistic talent, the Duo Scacciapensieri on the unicycle offers a more subtle, enchanting comedy … a mix of naivete and foolhardiness that’s just too funny to laugh.”
Cirque de lune, Zürcher Unterländer
“The Duo Scacciapensieri started off the show with their unicycle act: a brilliant balancing act combining supreme artistic and comic elements…”
Neues Theater Höchst, Frankfurter Rundschau
“Top-class artistic performance, always just on the edge of disaster – the Duo Scacciapensieri opened the anniversary program “10 Years Variety Shows Live” in the Neuen Theater Höchst with a screamingly funny unicycle act.”
Neues Theater Höchst, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“One of the festival’s new discoveries is the unicycle duo “Scacciapensieri”, which is Italian for “those who drive your worries away”. The only worries that Cornelia Clivio and Lorenz Matter are responsible for on the day of the festival are the occasional spectator who’s breath is temporarily taken away on account of them clambering about on their fragile unicycles together, as if they were standing with both feet securely on the ground. With their performances – that get a lot of applause – they meet all of the evaluation criteria of the tough jurors.… That is why both the audience and fellow artists are equally pleased when the jury announces in the late afternoon that the two have been chosen the deserving festival winners.”
Aargauer Tagblatt